Let us be your one stop shop!
We will tie together all your needs from start to finish in the virtual world.

Feeling appreciated is one of the best feelings in the world, and what is even better…. knowing someone took the time and energy to show your employee’s, coworkers, friends just that. That you care!
We get it, it’s hard to recreate those feelings and emotions of being in person.
While we are in the virtual zone, let’s do our best to bring those virtual hugs and smiles to your shining stars!
Anything you can dream, we can make it a reality.
Well, virtual reality, and we do it top notch!
So while we are apart, let’s act like we are together with laughs and good energy to get us from one virtual event to the next… for now!
I get it, we’ve done that, been there, but let us help to listen, create, and design the perfect escape for you and your team!
Need a break? Let’s try to escape with an escape room team-building
Wishing we were in Costa Rica? Let’s mix up some cocktails, Costa Rica Style!
What do they say, suns out; guns out? Let’s do some pool side yoga or fire up the grill with the summer heat series!
The friendly and generous reception and entertainment of guests, visitors, or strangers.

Hospitality… the greatest gift you can share. I am a believer that you either “have it, or you don’t”.
And guess what- our team - has it goin’ on!
I started as a journalism major in college and took an elective class in hospitality. It was a game changer. I changed my major because of the impact one teacher had on me, not so much the teacher himself but something he said. I still live by it.
“In hospitality you have the option to make or break someone's day by just being you.”
In every situation, I constantly remind myself that I can make someone’s day better just by smiling a little harder, making a tough situation a little easier, and now, I can help YOU make someone’s day by making them feel like they are the most important person in your world!
I started my internship at The Surf and Sand Resort in Laguna Beach California and then shortly after spent 10+ handling corporate sales for The Ritz-Carlton Hotels all over the states before transitioning to a DMC “Destination Management Company” where I partnered with five- star resorts and hotels to make client dreams come true.
Once Covid struck, hotels and resorts had a “pause”. I am a believer that a pause is good, but make sure that pause never stops you. I am so grateful for that pause, because it led me to this!
This is my passion and I cannot wait for you to work with our team so we can get your spark going.